Never thought I'd do this - write a blog - still having friends inform me what they are and what you do with them. I thought I'd share my hobby with everyone. I volunteer at a local community theatre in Sandusky, Ohio - Harlequins. One day I'll get around to letting you know how I ended up here... or there. But for this first time I thought I'd jump right in and say that today alone I attended a playreading meeting, put a good chunk of the program together for our upcoming play Marrying Terry, sent out a request to OCTA (more on that later) to get more scripts to read for playreading, took a call from the current props person about deadlines, and now have begun this blog. Doesn't sound like much when I write it down but I sat down at the computer to play a little spider solitaire and this is what happens... an hour and half later I still haven't gotten to the solitaire game.
At this point I know I haven't convinced anyone to join but stick with me... I will ;-)