Can't believe it was February when I last was on here and now tomorrow will be May 1st. I can pretty much tell you where the time went though as I auditioned for The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood in late February and we have been rehearsing ever since. At least, that is, until last Friday when we opened. The audiences have been fantastic. The cast and crew are having a great time with each other on stage and off stage (will try to fill you in on some of those shenanigans soon). This is just a quickie to whet your appetite to come see Robin Hood at Harlequins. Reservation line is open (419-621-1311) and everyone I've heard from so far have absolutely loved it and said they haven't laughed so much in ages. And everyone knows laughter is good for the soul.
I know it's been a CAKE walk learning my lines (that's a bit of sarcasm there as many of my lines involve the word CAKE). I believe the director was trying to get me to channel a combination of a demon and Barry White. This is one of those good time, good feeling, good fun shows that eases some tension and stress for cast, crew and audience! (OK, maybe not for the director or AD). Hopefully more later but sooner than months from now. Say hi if you're at the show!